
منح دراسية باكستان إسلام آباد COMSATS Islamabad 2023


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Bourses Université COMSATS Islamabad
منح دراسية باكستان إسلام آباد منح الماستر والدكتوراه 2023-2024
Cycles de Master et de Doctorat 2023-2024
اخر اجل 30-06-2023

L’Université COMSATS d'Islamabad, octroie aux étudiants des pays membres de la COMSATS, dont le Maroc fait partie, des bourses d’étude au cycles de Master et de Doctorat, au titre de l’année universitaire 2023-2024

Domaines d’étude
Computer Science-
Management Science-
Electrical Engineering-

Date limite 30 juin 2023
Dossier et procédure de candidature
par le lien

Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter les responsables des admissions internationales
[email protected]

COMSATS is an intergovernmental organization with its permanent Secretariat based in Islamabad, Pakistan. Established in 1994, the organization comprising 27 Member States, strives to promote South-South cooperation in the fields of Science and Technology that are most relevant to socio-economic development. A Network of 24 Centres of Excellence in four continents affiliated with COMSATS, provides the necessary pool of human resources and scientific infrastructure for undertaking a variety of capacity-building programmes, bilateral and multilateral cooperative research and consultancy/advocacy for the promotion of S&T as primary ingredient of national development plans​
Bourses Université COMSATS Islamabad​